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#922 Pet Crab

Pet Crab
July 10th, 2009

Schedule Changes at Thinkin' Lincoln

Tomorrow is the 4th anniversary of Thinkin' Lincoln. It's run every weekday (pretty much) (give or take) since July 11, 2005.

Starting next week, Thinkin' Lincoln will be a weekly comic. It will run on Tuesdays.

I need more time for other projects, and I considered a lot of options for what to do to free up that time. I considered ending T-L altogether, but I decided I don't want to do that. One of the other projects I need time for is a new comic I'm working on, and so I'd like to announce Creep House! The first 3 CH comics are up and you can read them right now!

Creep House is a comic about creeps and monsters in a house in a town in a world. It's a bit of a different format from Thinkin' Lincoln. It's hand-drawn and it will be, I think, a bit more coherent in story and setting. It is also weekly, and will run on Mondays (starting Monday the 13th).

So instead of 5 days a week (usually) (most of the time) of Thinkin' Lincoln, you'll now be able to read comics from me 2 days a week, and I'll have a lot more time in the evenings. I hope everyone's cool with this, and I hope you like my new comic!


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You should click here to buy some friggin' T-shirts Thinkin' Lincoln updates on Tuesdays Creep House - Miles has another comic now too.

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